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"International Monetary Debates in the U.S. Treasury in the 1930s: Harry Dexter White at the Crossroads of Theory and Action" par Pierre Hernan Rojas (ICP)

Séminaire de PHARE du cycle "Théories et pratiques du système monétaire international : continuité et ruptures" , ouvert à tous

Cette séance est  intitulée : "International Monetary Debates in the U.S. Treasury in the 1930s: Harry Dexter White at the Crossroads of Theory and Action", autour d'une intervention de Pierre-Hernan ROJAS, économiste (ICP, Paris)

14 février 2025, 17 h 30-19 h 00, salle du 6eme étage, Maison des sciences économiques, 106 boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris.
La présentation est  en français.

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ID de réunion: 936 1666 1235
Code secret: 047802

Abstract: Often overshadowed by Keynes, Harry Dexter White played a role in shaping international monetary reforms before Bretton Woods. His intellectual background, influenced by Taussig, led him to challenge the classical gold standard's automatic adjustment mechanism. As early as 1934, he proposed a "managed gold standard," combining exchange rate stability with monetary flexibility to shield economies from external shocks. White also advocated for U.S.-British cooperation to stabilize their currencies, foreshadowing the 1936 Tripartite Agreement. Grounded in empirical and historical analysis, his work highlights the tension between monetary rigidity and the need for economic adaptability. This paper reexamines White’s monetary thought, often reduced to his bureaucratic role, and underscores his contributions, which anticipated key postwar monetary debates.