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Séminaire "Putting in Order the International Monetary System : Presentation and Analysis of a Major Research Program of the 1930s"

Le prochain séminaire « Histoire de la Macroéconomie et des Théories Monétaires » (H2M) aura lieu le vendredi 3 mai 2024 à La Maison des Sciences Economiques (106-112 boulevard de l'hôpital, 75013 Paris, Métro Campo-Formio) de 17h30 à 19h / salle 117. Nous aurons le grand plaisir d’accueillir : Adrien FAUDOT, Université Grenobles Alpes : 

"Putting in Order the International Monetary System: Presentation and Analysis of a Major Research Program of the 1930s"

 My paper will trace the development of international monetary reform projects, particularly those based on international clearing in the 1930s. These projects sought to respond to two problems: 1) the violent decline in international trade and the malfunctioning of the payments system at the time, and 2) the development of bilateralism, which had to be overcome within a multilateral framework. Initially, the idea grew in a few isolated minds, but it was to take shape as monetary institutions were transformed by the disintegration of the Genoa system. Economists sought to re-establish an order based on free trade and currency convertibility, but these attempts failed. The wartime economy from 1939 onwards made clearing desirable to many economists, even seducing Keynes. The paper aims to show how the 1930s placed the re-establishment of an international monetary order at the heart of economists' discussions. (En français)

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