
Séminaire autour de James A. Morrisson, London school of economics

Le prochain séminaire « Histoire de la Macroéconomie et des Théories Monétaires » (H2M) aura lieu le vendredi 26 mai à La Maison des Sciences Economiques (106-112 Bd de l'hôpital, 75013 Paris, Metro Campo-Formio) de 17h30 à 19h / salle S115. Nous aurons le grand plaisir d’accueillir :

                                                                                  James A. Morrison
                                                                           London School of Economics
                                                            "England’s Cross of Gold: Keynes, Churchill,
                                                              and the Governance of Economic Beliefs"

Résumé :  The attempts to restore the gold standard following the First World War were some of the most momentous--and calamitous--in twentieth century history. From the vicious peace settlement at Versailles to the Great Depression, the return to gold was central to the worst disasters of the turbulent 1920s. Economically, it exacerbated the difficulties of repairing economies shattered by war. Politically, it set countries' interests directly at odds as each struggled to acquire the gold necessary to adhere to the old rubrics. Most previous accounts of these events explain them in structural and materialist terms. The leading actors at the time are said to have enjoyed little agency, with their decisions dictated by events and the forces of power and material interests trumping ideas, beliefs, and imagination. Drawing on extensive--and largely neglected--archival material, this book offers an entirely new account of the causes, and consequences, of the UK's crusade to restore the pre-war global economic order. It traces the struggle among a handful of leading policymakers in London to define, and redefine, the gold standard--from the first discussions during the War, through the titanic clash between Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill and world-famous economist John Maynard Keynes, to the ill-fated implementation of "the new gold standard" in the late 1920s. At every turn, it shows how the course of events depended crucially on the beliefs of that handful of elites who set the course. More broadly, this book demonstrates the power of leading actors and their ideas to change the world--for good and for ill. [Présentation en anglais]

Vous pourrez assister à la séance en ligne en suivant ce Lien Zoom https://pantheonsorbonne.zoom.us/j/94847482841?pwd=U3RWNFlWby84VWE4VXBkb1lZN1VhUT09

À très bientôt,
L'équipe du séminaire H2M

Comité d'organisation :
Hélène Bénistand (Université Paris 1, PHARE)
Ariane Dupont-Kieffer (Université Paris 1, PHARE)
Romain Plassard (Université Paris-Dauphine, LEDA)
Matthieu Renault (Université Paris 1, PHARE)
Pierre-Hernan Rojas (Université catholique de Paris)
Goulven Rubin (Université Paris 1, PHARE)
Aurélien Saïdi (Université Paris Nanterre, EconomiX)
Sofia Valeonti (The American University of Paris)