Séminaire avec Andrés Alvarez, Universidade Bogota, "Money Doctors Around the World : a historical perspective"
Le prochain séminaire H2M, séminaire ouvert à tous, aura lieu le vendredi 7 février 2025 de 17 h 30 à 19 h à la maison des sciences économiques, 106 boulevard de l'Hopital 75013 Paris, salle du 6eme étage. Il sera accessible en distanciel sur zoom.
Il portera sur Money Doctors Around the World : A Historical Perspective
Avec Andrès Alvaerez de l'université Los Andes de Bogota.
L'exposé sera en langue française.
Abstract : This book focuses on worldwide historical experiences of monetary reforms and the reformist minds behind them: the money doctors. The process of doctoring is the process of listening to many pieces of information and sorting them in order to correctly diagnose the causes of the problem and derive the appropriate cure, if it exists. A money doctor is “a person who, helped by theoretical and practical knowledge, advises and/or proposes to act on how to build a stable monetary and financial system or to repair ongoing monetary turbulences.” Economists and policy-makers are money doctors when their involvement includes the observation and diagnostic of the monetary and financial troubles and the proposition for a cure. Each contribution highlights the theoretical underpinning of the doctors, and the key factors for the success or failures of the reform they have promoted. We collect cases from Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania from the 16th to the 20th century and discuss their aims, strategies, and consequences to draw implications for today. [Note : l'intervention se fera en français]
Lien Zoom : https://pantheonsorbonne.zoom.us/j/93374061070?pwd=A7qOa4mXGTyrbeYDy7To…